July 9, 2016 APS Member Meeting:

     …join us from 10am to noon…


Cathyann Burgess


“Seeing the Light…Going Outside to Paint!”

Tooley's sun9x12

Presentation on plein air painting history and understanding Carlson’s rules before going outdoors, how to simplify the scene before you and more.

[Meeting and morning presentation free and open to the public]

     …workshop from 1pm to 4pm…


Plein Air Workshop with Cathyann Burgess

Painting on location is exhilarating! It has become almost a cult movement. High Summer HillsideBut to some of us, it can be daunting. It can also be a way to connect with other artists. Importantly, it is experiential learning at its fullest. The element of ‘being there’ rather than looking at a photo is invaluable for the artist. Become acquainted today with the direct method of the Impressionists, ‘in the open air’ putting daunting notions of discomfort away!


     Cathyann has been drawing or painting as long as she can remember and consciously thought of herself as artist, at age 13. She was born in Manhattan and raised in Brooklyn, NY.   She holds a MSEd in Art from SUNY College at Buffalo, NY.Cathyann Burgess headshot for promo
      Her teaching experience in art for over 25 years includes formal schools both public and private, museums and workshops.
      Committed to life long learning, Cathyann’s studies include workshops with Danni Dawson, Nelson Shanks, Daniel Greene, Matthew Mancini and Randy Sexton.
      Cathyann with her husband, now makes her home and studio in Hendersonville North Carolina. She shows her work at Asheville Gallery of Art, Asheville, NC.
      She is Chair of Programs for APS 2016.