Membership in The Appalachian Pastel Society
Joining or Renewing Membership in The Appalachian Pastel Society is easy!
Enjoy the benefits of this active, pastel-focused regional art society.
There is no jurying process…Adult membership is open to everyone 18 and over!
(For under 18, follow this link to Guidelines and application forms for Sponsored-Youth Membership)
- Network with other pastel artists in the Appalachian region of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and other states.
- Promote learning about the medium of pastel art
- Share your own experiences in a creative environment at Paint-Ins, Paint-Outs and other activities
- Receive our Bi-monthly newsletter about pastel workshops, member news, exhibition opportunities, as well as APS news and news from the Pastel art community.
- Attend Bi-Monthly Membership meetings where members and guest artists provide demonstrations, critique sessions, painting workshops, lectures & slide presentations, and discussions of art-related topics.
- Exhibit your pastel paintings in our Juried Member Shows, non-juried Gallery Shows, Bienniel National Juried Exhibition, and annual NC Statewide Exhibition.
Earn credits to achieve Special Membership Levels and SIGNATURE MEMBERSHIP…CLICK FOR MEMBERSHIP LEVELS
- Explore opportunities to teach workshops and provide demonstrations of your own
- Showcase your pastel paintings on the Appalachian Pastel Society website, along with your artist statement, contact information and link to your own website.
- Receive a member discount on APS-sponsored workshops, some taught by nationally known pastel artists.
- Enjoy links to other pastel societies and their members through APS’ membership in IAPS, The International Association of Pastel Societies.