Adventures in Pastel – Online group activities for Members

Welcome to the Adventure Series online group activities for 2024!
We are excited to offer our members a new set of six challenges beginning in January, 2024!  What better way to explore and experiment and discover the joys of pastel painting? If you are new to our Adventure Series, this is how it works: On the third Wednesday of the month you will receive a new Adventure via your APS Member email that will challenge you to use your pastels in a unique and creative way.

(To view past Adventures and Webshows visit the Adventure Series archived page.)

If you have questions about this APS Activity, contact Gary R and Nancy C with THIS FORM

Eighth Adventure Series, “E”
Download the Adventure Series “E” Guidelines

June 19, 2024 – Adventure E-6, “All Aboard”
This Adventure is all about TRAINS! Decide on the type of train you would like to paint, select a style you want to use and then develop your composition.
Adventure E-6- All Aboard – Information & Instructions
Adventure E-6- All Aboard – Webshow

May 15, 2024 – Adventure E-5, “A Winning Combo”
As artists, we all have some favorite photo that some day we intend to paint. But when we get it out, we realize that there are a few things about the photo that has kept us from painting it. In this Adventure, we want you to combine the best of two or three photos so you can create the painting you always wanted!
Adventure E-5- A Winning Combo- Information & Instructions
Adventure E-5- A Winning Combo- Webshow

April 16, 2024 – Adventure E-4, “Styling”
This Adventure is all about painting in the style of one of your favorite artists. People often talk about a painting that’s “just not my style” or they say “I can recognize the style of that artist anytime”. Many artists will say it took them years to find their style and others will confess they are still looking for theirs.
Adventure E-4- Styling- Information & Instructions
Adventure E-4- Styling- Webshow

March 20, 2024 – Adventure E-3, “Movement”
This Adventure is all about one word: Movement. Movement adds excitement, drama and overall compositional interest to your artwork.
Adventure E-3- Movement – Information & Instructions
Adventure E-3- Movement – Webshow

February 21, 2024  – Adventure E-2, “Finding Your Inner Leonardo”
This Adventure is all about using both hands in your art. Drawing is a learned skill, but we all have to deal with our dominate/non-dominant hand.
Adventure E-2 – Finding Your Inner Leonardo – Information & Instructions
Adventure E-2 – Finding Your Inner Leonardo – Webshow

January 17, 2024  – Adventure E-1, “A Little Bit of Red”
This Adventure is all about adding a touch of red somewhere in your painting that will give it just the right bit of sparkle.  A brief review of well known paintings will surprise you with how many artists through many centuries have made use of “A Little Bit of Red.”
Adventure E-1 – A Little Bit of Red – Information & Instructions
Adventure E-1 – A Little Bit of Red – Webshow (PDF)