March 9, 2019 Derick Tickle Program/Workshop

March 9, 2019 APS Member Meeting


     …join us from 10am to noon…


Derick Tickle,  “Painting with Pastels”

.Looking glass falls

Morning presentation is free and open to the public…


This will be a combined talk and demonstration of what pastel painting is and how it differs from other art mediums. Approaching the blank piece of paper with a stick of pastel can be a scary step but Derick will show you how to overcome the fear with a couple of simple tricks.

He will describe the various types of surfaces suitable for receiving pastels and will demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

The next step will be to talk about types of pastel, soft versus hard and explain when to use each type for best effects.

Finally, he will talk about the use of fixatives and the various types and the effect they can have on the final piece.


     …from 1pm to 4pm…

Painting Workshop with Derick Tickle

Afternoon session.  This will be a hands-on workshop using the information discussed in the morning session.

Derick will kick off with a brief talk on subject matter and the use of photographs. The main objective will be to experience the feel of using pastels versus wet mediums and the blending techniques that are done in situ rather than on a pallet. 

Participants can expect to complete a painting using most of the techniques learned and will be equipped to plunge further into the fascinating artform of pastel painting.


My art background started at the age of 15 when I became apprenticed to a master craftsman in the North of England. I would follow a six year guild program during which time I would attend the local college of art for one full day and three evenings. The rest of the week I would be working with various craftsmen on decorative painting projects.

Most of my adult working life has been teaching decorative painting and restoration in technical colleges and art schools.

It wasn’t until much later in life after I retired that I became interested in pastel painting. I became interested in photography and was able to use my knowledge of composition and lighting in my pastel work. My work is very realistic and detailed as a result of my earlier training as a sign painter and muralist.


APS Workshop Fee Refund Policy

Our refund policy states that for workshops sponsored by APS, a refund of the fee deposit is available only within 48 hours of paying the fee.  However, if the fee is paid within the last two days before the workshop date, no refund is available.

The Derick Tickle Workshop is FULL … if you would like to be placed on a WAIT LIST if someone must drop out, you can contact Jan Jackson at 828.302.6826.