September 2015 Member Meeting details
September 12, 2015 Member Meeting/Program/Workshop
…join us from 10am to noon…
ABSTRACT PAINTING – What is it all about?
with… Fleta Monaghan, BFA, MaEd
Often we hear comments such as, “My kid could paint that!” when those unfamiliar with abstract art see work in museums or galleries. So, what is it all about? This discussion will touch on the development of the abstract genre since the 19th century and what is happening today. Why is All art abstract, and what does abstraction have in common with more understood subjects such as landscapes and portraiture. How can realist artist benefit from understanding the foundations of abstractions. This talk will include a slide presentation and question and answer time.
Fleta is Founder and Director of River’s Edge Studio and 310 Art Gallery. This venue was founded in 2006, and is the oldest in the River Art District. She has exhibited extensively and her art work is in collections worldwide.
Click here to READ MORE information about Fleta.
…and workshop from 1pm to 4pm…
Breathing Life into a Flower Portrait
featuring Susan Sinyai, BFA, APS Participating member.
In this workshop I will explore ways to help your flower portrait perk up, come to life, and be successful from the ground up. This will include the essential element of a strong, well thought-out composition. I will also talk about the importance of a good photograph, if that is the resource from which the painting evolves. Techniques and materials used in creating the important underpainting will be discussed and illustrated, and then the journey towards creating a sense of luminosity. The purpose of the workshop is not so much to complete a beautiful painting, but more about planning, and beginning, so as to avoid problems later in the painting process. There will be a demonstration, and then we will begin painting, with options to work from life, or from a photograph. Participants may bring their own photographs or flowers if they wish, but photographs will also be available. I will be focusing on close-up and personal views of the flower, rather than the flower in a still life composition.