Nancy Marshburn


            Nancy Marshburn, Charlotte, NC Artist…




Following a brief meeting of the general membership, Nancy Marshburn will have a PowerPoint presentation.  This will cover her artistic journey from early efforts to medical art graduate school to her transition to fine art. The aim is to show a natural progression from her medical art to still life representational paintings. Nancy talks about how she approaches a still life from concept to finished product. The presentation includes a small demonstration painting in pastel. If the painting gets close enough to being finished, it can be given away by drawing names out of a hat.

At the Grace Community Church.  The public and all artists are invited.  There is no fee to attend.

About Nancy…

Nancy Marshburn, PSA is an award-winning artist living in North Carolina, who works in pastel and oil in a style described as contemporary realism. Her pastel paintings show the clarity, intensity and luminosity allowed with this medium. Her oils continue the exploration of still life and landscape in a refreshingly different media.Clementine, healing

Nancy earned a Bachelor of Arts in art and biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, followed by a year in Wales on a Rotary International Scholarship studying medical photography. She attended the Medical College of Georgia, completing a Master of Science in Medical Art in 1984. After working as a freelance medical illustrator for over 20 years, she happily returned to her fine art roots.The effects of light intrigue Nancy. Her paintings pull the viewer towards them with strong dark/light contrasts.  Subtle detail holds their attention. A Sally Strand workshop reintroduced Nancy to the still life genre, a natural progression from her medical art. Nancy’s continuing interest in landscape painting is evolving towards more plein air work. The need to work quickly leads to fresh, decisive strokes and the southeast offers a plethora of scenes to paint. Outdoor painting provides balance to her more detailed still life work.Aaron's Toolbox

Nancy has been accepted into the Pastel Society of America as a Signature Member. The PSA is the oldest pastel society in the United States.  She is also a Member of Excellence in the Southeastern Pastel Society.

Inspired by the ordinary, Marshburn’s art focuses on a moment of beauty in a complex world.