May 14, 2011 Program Speaker, David Osann, The Art of Framing
Our speaker for our May 2011 Program is David Osann, Certified Picture Framer, of Framing Arts, a business in downtown Hendersonville, NC.
David will present from 10:00 am – 12:00 Noon, immediately after our regular bi-monthly membership meeting.
David will tell us a little bit about what to look for when evaluating framers and the professional certifications and training conducted by Certified Picture Framers (CPF) and Professional Picture Framing Association (PPFA).
He will introduce us to framing materials including Backing, Matboard, different types of glass glazing (including UV Protection and Museum glass), and Molding.David will also discuss conservation vs non-conservation mounting techniques, and the use of color in matting.
He will demonstrate how to add elements to framed artwork to create a piece of ‘furniture for the walls.’
David will bring examples of materials and set them out on several tables for us to handle and experiment with, so we can put ‘pieces’ together in different ways to see how they look.
Bring your questions!
Bring your artwork!
We hope you can join us from 10:00 am to Noon on May 14, 2011 at the WNC Agriculture Center, Youth Building in Fletcher.
Directions to the WNC Ag Center are available by clicking here.
More From David
“Framing Arts is Hendersonville’s premier custom picture framing shop located in our wonderful downtown. Myself, David Osann CPF, and my wife, Heather Barker CPF, are Certified Picture Framers. We both have done the training and testing required by the Professional Picture Framing Association and we recertify every 4 years in order to be able to provide the most current techniques and materials. We specialize in preservation and conservation techniques in order to do no harm to whatever we are framing. Our creative designs will enhance and unify the beauty of your artwork and the materials and techniques we use will protect your art from damaging pollutents internally and externally so you can be assured it will last for years to come.”
Click here to visit the Framing Arts website.
Framing Arts
119 3rd Ave West
Hendersonville, NC 28792
(828) 696-3818